While MCCH prides itself on creating innovative and successful solutions to address the needs of our clients, we know that systemic change is necessary in order to truly end homelessness in our community. Accordingly, MCCH is a strong advocate for county participation in national campaigns and the adoption of best practices to create a system to make homelessness in Montgomery County a rare, brief and non-recurring experience.
Leadership of Local Advocacy Efforts
MCCH leadership is actively engaged in ongoing efforts to address homelessness in our community. Executive Director Susie Sinclair-Smith serves as a Commissioner for the Interagency Commission on Homelessness, and Chief Program Officer Jen Schiller serves as co-chair of the Coordinated Entry System, which coordinates access to homeless services in the county.
MCCH has worked closely with Montgomery County to co-lead local efforts for the following national campaigns to address specific populations' needs:
Created permanent homes for the most medically vulnerable adults experiencing homelessness in the county in 2014.
Led to the establishment of the county’s Coordinated Entry System for transitioning clients from homelessness into permanent housing programs.
Ended veteran homelessness in January 2016 by achieving “functional zero.”
One of the first four communities recognized for this achievement by the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, and U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness.
Progressing towards a goal of ending chronic homelessness in the county in 2018.
To date, more than 375 individuals who have a diagnosed disability and have experienced long-term homelessness have been connected to a permanent housing solution as part of this community-wide effort.